
YoustatetheSFC.exeprogramrecordtheinformationofeachrepairoperationtotheCBS.logfile.TheCBS.persist.logisafilegeneratedwhen ...,Ifideletecbslogswhilewindowsupdateinservicesdisabled,cbslogswillgenerateandnothingwillhappenwhenupdatingnewwindowsupdate ...,IwentlookingforlargefilesonaWorkstationthatismaxedoutondiskspaceandIfound13CbsPersistlogfilesinC:-Windows-Logs-CBS ...,Ifoundmostofmyspace(76.1GB...

CBS Persist Clarification

You state the SFC.exe program record the information of each repair operation to the CBS.log file. The CBS.persist.log is a file generated when ...

CBS Persist File

If i delete cbs logs while windows update in services disabled, cbs logs will generate and nothing will happen when updating new windows update ...

CbsPersist on Windows Workstation?

I went looking for large files on a Workstation that is maxed out on disk space and I found 13 CbsPersist log files in C:-Windows-Logs-CBS ...

CBS log and CBS persist in %Windir%logsCBS

I found most of my space (76.1GB) is used by the folder C:-windows-logs-cbs which has CBS.log and CbsPersist_Dateandtime.log and some cab files.


cbspersist都是可以放心刪除的,不管有沒有被壓縮。你可以等cbs.log變小,然後刪除掉所有cbspersist。cbs.log別去動它。 以上就是 ...

Can I delete CBS Persist Logs from Windows Server 2008 R2

You can safely delete logs in c:-windows-logs-CBS, but don't touch WinSxS, your server won't boot if you mess with the folder's content.

Why is CBS.log file size 20 GB

The CBS.persist.log should be generated when the CBS gets to be around 50 meg in size. CBS.log should be copied to cbs.persist.log and a new cbs.log file ...

CbsPersist, and other massive files created - windows 7

The CBS Persist logs are created by the Windows Module Installer service (TrustedInstaller.exe) and here Windows logs the status of its work ...

Can I delete CbsPersist logs safely, your opinion please.

The CbsPersist logs are only useful to diagnose problems related with Windows Updates and the Component Store, my suggestion is to remove all ...

CBS.log file at 490GB (and is still growing) : rbuildapc

CBS.log is a log of most component based servicing actions (think Windows Update) that Windows performs. If it keeps growing to a point of ...